Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The Lumberjack | by Erik Martin Willen


"The Lumberjack is a suspenseful drama thriller, and it will give you chills. A mix between; The Silence of the Lambs & First Blood"

Looking for peace, she found a nightmare…

Fading movie star Christina Dawn has decided to start a new life, so she relocates from L.A. to a picturesque mountain town, hoping she'll find peace and tranquility there.

Meanwhile, a man who has hunted a witness to a massacre for over fifty years has also settled in the town, Skull Creek, in an effort to keep a dangerous legacy hidden from the world.

Little do Christina and Nero know that their paths will soon cross, leading to a horrifying revelation: a practice that has recurred for centuries, causing the murders of countless people, none of which have ever been linked or solved.

The largest manhunt in history is about to take place. But what law enforcement will soon discover is that they aren't the ones doing the hunting.

They're the ones being hunted.

NASA Scientists Make First Observation of a Polar Cyclone on Uranus - UNIVERSE

NASA scientists used microwave observations to spot the first polar cyclone on Uranus, seen here as a light-colored dot to the right of center in each image of the planet. The images use wavelength bands K, Ka, and Q, from left. To highlight cyclone features, a different color map was used for each. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/VLA

Scientists used ground-based telescopes to get unprecedented views, thanks to the giant planet’s position in its long orbit around the Sun.

For the first time, NASA scientists have strong evidence of a polar cyclone on Uranus. By examining radio waves emitted from the ice giant, they detected the phenomenon at the planet’s north pole. The findings confirm a broad truth about all planets with substantial atmospheres in our solar system: Whether the planets are composed mainly of rock or gas, their atmospheres show signs of a swirling vortex at the poles.

Scientists have long known that Uranus’ south pole has a swirling feature. NASA’s Voyager 2 imaging of methane cloud tops there showed winds at the polar center spinning faster than over the rest of the pole. Voyager’s infrared measurements observed no temperature changes, but the new findings, published in Geophysical Research Letters, do.

This image of Uranus was taken by NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft in 1986. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/VLA

Using huge radio antenna dishes of the Very Large Array in New Mexico, they peered below the ice giant’s clouds, determining that the circulating air at the north pole seems to be warmer and drier – the hallmarks of a strong cyclone. Collected in 2015, 2021, and 2022, the observations went deeper into Uranus’ atmosphere than any before.

“These observations tell us a lot more about the story of Uranus. It’s a much more dynamic world than you might think,” said lead author Alex Akins of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “It isn’t just a plain blue ball of gas. There’s a lot happening under the hood.”

Uranus is showing off more these days, thanks to the planet’s position in orbit. It’s a long haul around the solar system for this outer planet, taking 84 years to complete a full lap, and for the last few decades the poles weren’t pointed toward Earth. Since about 2015, scientists have had a better view and have been able to look deeper into the polar atmosphere.

Ingredients for a Cyclone

The cyclone on Uranus, compactly shaped with warm and dry air at its core, is much like those spotted by NASA’s Cassini at Saturn. With the new findings, cyclones (which rotate in the same direction their planet rotates) or anti-cyclones (which rotate in the opposite direction) have now been identified at the poles on every planet in our solar system except for Mercury, which has no substantial atmosphere.

But unlike hurricanes on Earth, cyclones on Uranus and Saturn aren’t formed over water (neither planet is known to have liquid water), and they don’t drift; they’re locked at the poles. Researchers will be watching closely to see how this newly discovered Uranus cyclone evolves in the coming years.

“Does the warm core we observed represent the same high-speed circulation seen by Voyager?” Akins asked. “Or are there stacked cyclones in Uranus’ atmosphere? The fact that we’re still finding out such simple things about how Uranus’ atmosphere works really gets me excited to find out more about this mysterious planet.”

The National Academies’ 2023 Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey prioritized exploring Uranus. In preparation for such a mission, planetary scientists are focused on bolstering their knowledge about the mysterious ice giant’s system.

Source: NASA Scientists Make First Observation of a Polar Cyclone on Uranus | NASA

Wirelessly-powered ‘smart bandage’ could provide drug-free wound care

Credit: University of Glasgow

A new generation of wirelessly powered, environmentally friendly 'smart bandages' could help patients with non-healing wounds avoid infections, scientists say.

The bandage could help improve the quality of life of people who live with chronic non-healing wounds, which currently frequently require painful cleaning and treatment. Non-healing wounds can be a side effect of certain medications or health factors like diabetes, cancer or damaged blood vessels.

A team of researchers from the UK and France developed the first-of-its-kind bandage, which is embedded with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to bathe wounds in sterilizing ultraviolet light, preventing the growth of bacteria without the use of drugs like antibiotics.

UV light is already widely used to sterilize objects like surgical equipment and fresh food. Treating bacterial infections in non-healing wounds with UV light instead of drugs could help to slow the rise of dangerous new strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria known as "superbugs."

In a new paper published in the journal IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, the researchers outline how they built the smart bandage and demonstrated its antibacterial effectiveness.

They built a slim, flexible inductive coil which could be integrated into the fabric of the bandage. The coil uses a technique called magnetic-resonant wireless power transfer to provide power to the UV LEDs without the need for batteries.

Instead, the inductive coil receives its power over the air, transmitted from a second coil connected to the electrical mains. The LEDs can be powered indefinitely simply by keeping the transmitting and receiving coils close to one another until the antimicrobial treatment is complete.

In lab tests, the researchers exposed samples of a strain of gram-negative bacteria called Pseudoalteromonas sp. D41 to the UV light supplied by the smart bandage. Some forms of gram-negative bacteria can cause a range of serious infections in humans.

The tests showed that the smart bandage could slow and stop the growth of Pseudoalteromonas sp. D41 on the surfaces of slides, effectively eradicating the bacteria within six hours. The researchers suggest that the system could find use in medical settings to do the same for bacteria in patients' chronic non-healing wounds.

Professor Steve Beeby, RAEng chair in emerging technologies at the University of Southampton, is a co-author of the paper. He said, "The use of ultraviolet light to kill viruses and bacteria is well known and this is the first work to integrate UVC emitting LEDs within a bandage and explore its efficacy. This approach could provide a significant benefit to the treatment of persistent wounds and is a major advance over typical smart bandages that attempt to monitor wound condition."

Dr. Mahmoud Wagih, of the University of Glasgow's James Watt School of Engineering, is another co-author of the paper. He developed the smart bandage's wireless power delivery system.

Credit: University of Glasgow

Dr. Wagih said, "Traditional batteries are bulky, inflexible, and need to be changed regularly. That makes them difficult to use in bandages, which need to conform closely to the contours of patients' bodies to deliver reliable treatment over several hours. The system we've developed is flexible and can be seamlessly integrated into the fabric of a bandage to power the LEDs, which deliver UV-C light across any surface."

"We believe that smart bandages will be key to future healthcare, but we need to be mindful of their environmental footprint. In the UK alone, over 40,000 tons of batteries are sold annually and less than half of them are recycled. Our wireless power technology will allow healthcare wearables to grow, sustainably, as an alternative to drug-based treatments" .

"We'll be continuing to collaborate on developing the bandage further to integrate sensors capable of monitoring the progress of wounds, as well as setting out to test the technology in clinical settings in the years to come."

The smart bandage is built on technology initially developed by Dr. Wagih and his colleagues from the University of Southampton. The research is showcased in a second paper, recently published in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

The paper demonstrates the first use of magnetic-resonant wireless power transfer to provide electricity to standard textiles using embroidery or screen printing—a feature which helped to make the smart bandage possible.

In this case, the power was supplied to a newly developed flexible electronic resistor made from silver and carbon which was printed into a textile surface to act as a wearable heating element. The system was capable of being heated to up to 60C while separated from the transmitter by 2cm at an efficiency exceeding 50%.

Credit: University of Glasgow

Dr. Wagih said, "Heaters are very power-intensive, so battery-powered heaters tend to either chew through batteries very quickly or provide only a moderate amount of heat for a bit longer before a change is required."

"This paper shows how high-frequency magnetic-resonant wireless power transfer can be used to power an efficient heating system built into clothing which can be washed and reused, which is impossible with conventional batteries."

"The efficiency of power delivery is twice that of previous wearable wireless power receivers developed elsewhere. Given the importance of energy-efficient heating solutions, this opens up new possibilities for use in medical applications, heated clothing which could be worn in cold conditions, and more."by University of Glasgow

Source: Wirelessly powered 'smart bandage' could provide drug-free wound care (

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

NASA's Hubble Hunts for Intermediate-Sized Black Hole Close to Home - UNIVERSE

Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have come up with what they say is some of their best evidence yet for the presence of a rare class of "intermediate-sized" black hole that may be lurking in the heart of the closest globular star cluster to Earth, located 6,000 light-years away.

Like intense gravitational potholes in the fabric of space, virtually all black holes seem to come in two sizes: small and humongous. It's estimated that our galaxy is littered with 100 million small black holes (several times the mass of our Sun) created from exploded stars. The universe at large is flooded with supermassive black holes, weighing millions or billions of times our Sun’s mass and found in the centers of galaxies.

A long-sought missing link is an intermediate-mass black hole, weighing in somewhere between 100 and 100,000 solar masses. How would they form, where would they hang out, and why do they seem to be so rare?

A Hubble Space Telescope image of the globular star cluster, Messier 4. The cluster is a dense collection of several hundred thousand stars. Astronomers suspect that an intermediate-mass black hole, weighing as much as 800 times the mass of our Sun, is lurking, unseen, at its core. Credits: ESA/Hubble, NASA

Astronomers have identified other possible intermediate-mass black holes through a variety of observational techniques. Two of the best candidates — 3XMM J215022.4−055108, which Hubble helped discover in 2020, and HLX-1, identified in 2009 — reside in dense star clusters in the outskirts of other galaxies. Each of these possible black holes has the mass of tens of thousands of suns, and may have once been at the centers of dwarf galaxies. NASA’s Chandra X-ray observatory has also helped make many possible intermediate black hole discoveries, including a large sample in 2018.

Looking much closer to home, there have been a number of suspected intermediate-mass black holes detected in dense globular star clusters orbiting our Milky Way galaxy. For example, in 2008, Hubble astronomers announced the suspected presence of an intermediate-mass black hole in the globular cluster Omega Centauri. For a number of reasons, including the need for more data, these and other intermediate-mass black hole findings still remain inconclusive and do not rule out alternative theories.

Hubble's unique capabilities have now been used to zero in on the core of the globular star cluster Messier 4 (M4) to go black-hole hunting with higher precision than in previous searches. "You can't do this kind of science without Hubble," said Eduardo Vitral of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, lead author on a paper to be published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Vitral’s team has detected a possible intermediate-mass black hole of roughly 800 solar masses. The suspected object can't be seen, but its mass is calculated by studying the motion of stars caught in its gravitational field, like bees swarming around a hive. Measuring their motion takes time, and a lot of precision. This is where Hubble accomplishes what no other present-day telescope can do. Astronomers looked at 12 years' worth of M4 observations from Hubble and resolved pinpoint stars.

His team estimates that the black hole in M4 could be as much as 800 times our Sun's mass. Hubble's data tend to rule out alternative theories for this object, such as a compact central cluster of unresolved stellar remnants like neutron stars, or smaller black holes swirling around each other.

"We have good confidence that we have a very tiny region with a lot of concentrated mass. It's about three times smaller than the densest dark mass that we had found before in other globular clusters," said Vitral. "The region is more compact than what we can reproduce with numerical simulations when we take into account a collection of black holes, neutron stars, and white dwarfs segregated at the cluster's center. They are not able to form such a compact concentration of mass."

Credits: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center; Lead Producer: Paul Morris; Computer Representation of the Stellar Motions in the Core of M4: Mattia Libralato (AURA/STScI for ESA)

A grouping of close-knit objects would be dynamically unstable. If the object isn't a single intermediate-mass black hole, it would require an estimated 40 smaller black holes crammed into a space only one-tenth of a light-year across to produce the observed stellar motions. The consequences are that they would merge and/or be ejected in a game of interstellar pinball.

"We measure the motions of stars and their positions, and we apply physical models that try to reproduce these motions. We end up with a measurement of a dark mass extension in the cluster's center," said Vitral. "The closer to the central mass, more randomly the stars are moving. And, the greater the central mass, the faster these stellar velocities."

Because intermediate-mass black holes in globular clusters have been so elusive, Vitral cautions, "While we cannot completely affirm that it is a central point of gravity, we can show that it is very small. It's too tiny for us to be able to explain other than it being a single black hole. Alternatively, there might be a stellar mechanism we simply don't know about, at least within current physics."

The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between NASA and ESA. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the telescope. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland, conducts Hubble and Webb science operations. STScI is operated for NASA by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, in Washington, D.C.

Source: NASA's Hubble Hunts for Intermediate-Sized Black Hole Close to Home | NASA

New AI imaging tool allows for interactive 3D manipulations of 2D pictures

Our approach DragGAN allows users to "drag" the content of any GAN-generated images. Users only need to click a few handle points (red) and target points (blue) on the image, and our approach will move the handle points to precisely reach their corresponding target points. Users can optionally draw a mask of the flexible region (brighter area), keeping the rest of the image fixed. This flexible point-based manipulation enables control of many spatial attributes like pose, shape, expression, and layout across diverse object categories. Credit: arXiv (2023). DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2305.10973

A team of computer scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, MIT, Google and the University of Pennsylvania has developed a new AI imaging tool for user-interactive 3D manipulation of 2D images depicted in a photograph. The team published a paper describing the new tool, which is called DragGAN, on the arXiv preprint server along with short videos depicting what the tool can do.

Photoshop was first released back in the late 1980s, and since that time, it and similar apps have been used to edit photographs. Such use has become a standard part of social media—people photoshop images before posting them online as a way to "improve" them. In this new effort, the research team has taken image editing to a whole new level by adding artificial intelligence.

At first glance, DragGAN looks very much like any other image manipulation tool. But videos posted by the creative team clarify that it is capable of doing things no prior application has come even close to achieving, allowing users to alter images in imaginary 3D, on the fly. The researchers call the results "hallucinated occluded content."

Credit: arXiv (2023). DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2305.10973

Photographs, by their very nature, are two-dimensional. Previous photo editing tools have allowed for blurring, coloring or even patching in other imagery. But all such editing is based on user effort—the user has to direct the color correction or blur out wrinkles. An AI-based photo editing tool, taught to recognize features through analyzing thousands or millions of other images, can infer what missing parts of a picture might look like and make changes based on that, with user prompting.

In one video, for example, a photograph of an angry person can be changed to show the same person smiling—all with just a click and a drag. The person's face can be turned, as well, revealing parts of the head that were never captured in the original photograph. Likewise, cars, animals or landscapes can be drastically altered using just a few clicks and drags. Adding AI to photo editing adds a whole new dimension to the category—one that could make as big a splash as Photoshop did when it was first introduced.

by Bob Yirka , Tech Xplore

Source: New AI imaging tool allows for interactive 3D manipulations of 2D pictures (