Saturday, March 6, 2021

Octopuses can "feel" light with their arms

Octopuses react reflexively to light when it ends up on the animal's arms, even if it cannot see it with its eyes.

Without joints and legs, the octopus' arm can move in any direction.

Then add that it has eight pieces, and you can imagine that it can be difficult to keep track of all of them.

Now, Israeli researchers may have discovered a clue about how the octopus keeps track of its limbs, in a study published earlier in February in the Journal of Experimental Biology.

The arms can react to light, even if the octopus does not see the light in question.

Would investigate camouflage

The researchers at the Ruppin Academic Center made the discovery while studying a completely different phenomenon, the octopus' ability to change color.

When they shone on the octopus' arms, they noticed that it was pulling them back, even though it was sleeping at the moment.

The researchers continued the experiments by letting the octopus search for food by sticking its arm in a hole in a space where it could not see inside.

When the researchers then shone on the octopus' arm, it withdrew its arm in 84 percent of the cases, reports The New York Times.

- They can feel the light through the arm.

They do not need the eyes for it, says Nir Nesher, one of the researchers, to the newspaper.

Not just reflexes

Exactly why the octopus has this ability is unclear, but one theory is that it can stay hidden, and does not risk being bitten by hungry crabs or fish that can confuse an octopus arm with a worm when they see them.

Nor are researchers completely sure how the ability works.

It does not seem to be completely reflex controlled, but requires the squid's brain to function.

When the researchers anesthetized the octopus, the ability to function ceased.

The octopus also does not seem to be directly dependent on the skin.

Because even if it got rid of a piece of skin, it reacted to the light when it fell directly on the underlying muscle.

Source: svt


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