Monday, June 17, 2024

Scientists suspect: New tick mite causes cancer - Omni


Researchers at Sahlgrenska University Hospital have started a study in which they look at the connection between a new tick mite and cancer, reports P4 Gothenburg.

- We are investigating whether this tick-borne bacterium neoehrlichia could somehow cause the development of lymph node cancer, says professor and senior physician Christine Wennerås to the radio.

Between five and 15 percent of ticks in Sweden are estimated to carry the infection. Depending on the results of the study, the cancer could be treated in a new way – where the patient avoids cytostatics (cytotoxins).

The study includes over a hundred patients and is expected to be completed in 3–4 years. 

Source: Forskare misstänker: Ny fästingsmitta orsakar cancer (  (translated) 


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