Monday, September 21, 2015

Generating plasma from the magnetron of a microwave oven

Pavel Pavlov and Aleksandr Kryukov, the dynamic duo of science experimenters from Luhansk, Ukraine. Known as YouTube sensation Kreosan, the pair aims to explain physical phenomena through no-budget very dangerous yet awesome backyard explanations of physical phenomena.

As an example below, using a magnetron, the device that generates the microwaves inside of a microwave oven, to show the effects of microwave radiation on various objects. By attaching the magnetron to a coffee can, Pavlov and Kryukov were able to create a directional antenna, turning the device into essentially a dangerous DIY magnetron gun that can power lightbulbs, blow up stereos, and boil eggs.

So how does it work? A magnetron is essentially a high-powered vacuum tube containing a filament that heats up when energy is pumped through the device. As the filament warms, negatively charged electrons “boil” off of the hot center, and move out towards a positively charged anode around it. Now usually, the electrons would just zing across to the anode and nothing much would happen, but because the magnetron also includes a magnet, so the electrons are turned as they move, causing them to whirl around the filament in quick circles. Special veins in the anode are designed to transform this merry-go-round of electrons into microwaves.

For any of you who would like to take your best shot at winning a Darwin Award by creating your own version of the magnetron gun, Pavlov and Kryukov have created an instructional video for your viewing pleasure. Just remember, whatever it can do to eggs, it can also do to you.

На что способна микроволновка! Генерация ПЛАЗМЫ
That is capable of microwave! plasma generation

Rich Pollett

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