Friday, November 27, 2020

Reinventing the Space Opera: The World of Nastragull BY LANA KING

Author Erik Martin Willén continues to reinvent the space opera with the newest novel in the Nastragull sagaThe Beast. As the universe’s major powers gear up for total war, Alec is torn between duty and love when Alexa is reported alive. Teetering on the edge of madness, Alec begins a dark transformation into the malevolent entity called the Beast.

“a gripping, entertaining read…not for the faint-hearted…”

— Sharon Stevenson, Goodreads Reviewer, review on Nastragull: Pirates (book 1)


  1. What inspired you to write the Nastragull series?

Ever since I was a young child, I was fascinated with science fiction. During my youth, I began thinking of a story, and to this day I am still thinking and creating, developing the story in my mind…and eventually I write it.

  1. Where did the name Nastragull originate from?

I made it up and it actually has two meanings. “Nastra” in my story means distance in space, and “Gull” means almighty. It can be thought of as a metaphor—for the almighty (whomever that is) there is no distance…

“After the Swedish detective miracle, we can now, thanks to  Willén, perhaps be looking forward to a science fiction wonder in Swedish literature.”

— The Culture Magazine, review on Nastragull: Hunted (book 2)

  1. The science fiction you write is clearly unique and contains many different elements from other genres. Talk about the type of science fiction you write and why it’s unique?

Every story I write should be original, and I do everything I can to keep it that way through inventing new concepts and ideas. It can be technical or biological. I like to shock and surprise and at the same time the story itself must flow like a river. The most important thing when I write is that most things should be new and invented. There are many space operas written, and as an author, it’s my responsibility to make sure that what I write will keep the reader on their toes. Every new page should have a mystery that becomes addictive, making the reader want to know more and what happens next.

  1. What makes Alec Horn such a great character to write?

He can do and say anything without having to be concerned about anyone’s opinion.

  1. Who is your favorite character to write and why?

Tota is definitely one of the more mysterious creatures created, and at times he’s a bit crazy and that’s why I always have a smile on my face whenever I write about him. I guess he’s a mix between Dumbo the elephant and Yoda, and something else…

  1. Imagine you are a part of the universe you have created. What role would you play?

I never saw myself in any characters that I’ve written about. So I’m guessing I would be an android robot.


  1. Advanced technology is important to the story. How would the story be different had technology not played such an important part?

The story itself could still work without the technology, and instead of being in space and on different world scenarios the story would take place on one planet during the dark ages with many knights and maidens, perhaps a few monsters also.

  1. Who or what has inspired your writing the most?

One of my university professors taught me that a writer should never hold back and just write, and I did just that. What inspired me and really got me going and to write like “mad” was when my beloved kid sister suddenly died at the age of 24 from Lupus SLE.

  1. There are many twists within the story. Without giving too much away, what do you think will surprise readers the most?

The ending. It has never happened before in any story or film.

  1. What’s next and what are you currently working on?

I’m currently working on Vixens, a spinoff from the Nastragull series. It’s a concept I have worked on for a long time. I’m also working on the next book in the Nastragull saga.

Other books in the Nastragull saga:

About the Author:


Erik Martin Willén loves creating worlds of epic proportion and exploring those worlds in the stories he creates. He is the author of the science fiction series Nastragull (PiratesHuntedDawn Sets in HellSection Twenty-one, and The Beast) and the suspense thriller The Lumberjack. He lives in a small village in south Sweden where he is currently working on his next novel.

Follow Erik Martin Willén on Twitter!

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Available in hardcover, trade softcover, and ebook.

Visit our website to learn more.

 BY LANA KING ON  Source: Reinventing the Space Opera: The World of Nastragull ( 

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