Thursday, March 10, 2022

First aid for “soldiers”

Tanks rolled into Ukraine unabated. Families packed into darkened subway stations to take shelter from bombs. Others filled suitcases and fled along clogged roadways out of cities.

The images emerging from Ukraine evoke memories of 20th-century conflicts in Europe that once seemed unimaginable in 2022, leaving many to wonder: Is this a new Cold War? Or the beginning of World War III?

Anyhow, in case of war do you know how to help yourself or people around you? First aid is important not only for combat personnel.

There are new protocols and many manuals when it comes to first aid, however the one that I find easy to understand for everyone…from adolescents till grannies is First Aid for Soldiers 1943 edition.

Remember that in case of war, meds and medical supplies are limited. Learn how to cope with medical trauma when you do not have immediate access to doctors or hospitals.

New protocols and manuals are also good but they do not always work if you do not have the right equipment’s or medical supplies.

You can read/ download the manual here:

Source: First aid for “soldiers” – Scents of Science (

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