's impression of sound waves (p modes), with different frequencies, traveling
across the inner layers of a star. Credit: Tania Cunha (Planetário do
Porto—Centro Ciência Viva)/Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço)
a distance of 11.9 light years, Epsilon Indi (ε Indi) is an orange dwarf star (also known as a K
dwarf) with 71% of the sun's diameter. An international team, led by Instituto
de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA) researcher Tiago Campante, studied
this star with the ESPRESSO spectrograph, mounted at the European Southern
Observatory's (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT), and detected the tiniest
"starquakes" ever recorded.
The team used a technique dubbed
asteroseismology, which measures oscillations in stars. These provide indirect
glimpses of stellar interiors, just as earthquakes tell us about Earth's
interior. In ε Indi, the peak
amplitude of the detected oscillations is just 2.6 centimeters per second
(about 14% of the sun's oscillation amplitude), which makes it the smallest and
coolest dwarf star observed to date with confirmed solar-like oscillations.
These measurements are so precise that
the detected speed is slower than the average speed of a sloth.
"The extreme precision level of these observations is an outstanding technological achievement. Importantly, this detection conclusively shows that precise asteroseismology is possible down to cool dwarfs with surface temperatures as low as 4,200 degrees Celsius, about 1,000 degrees cooler than the sun's surface, effectively opening up a new domain in observational astrophysics," comments Campante, assistant professor at the Dept. of Physics and Astronomy of the Science Faculty of the University of Porto (DFA-FCUP).
Artist's impression of sound waves (p modes),
with different frequencies, traveling across the inner layers of a star.
Credit: Tania Cunha (Planetário do Porto—Centro Ciência Viva)/Instituto de
Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço)
This level of precision might help
scientists settle a long-standing disagreement between theory and observations
in what concerns the relation between the mass and the diameter of these
cool-dwarf stars.
"Stellar evolution models are
known to underestimate the diameter of K dwarfs by 5-15% compared to the
diameter obtained from empirical methods. The study of oscillations in K
dwarfs, via asteroseismology, will help identify the deficiencies of current
stellar models and, thus, improve them so as to eliminate this
discrepancy," explains IA researcher Margarida Cunha.
These "starquakes" can now be used to help plan the future European Space Agency's (ESA) PLATO space telescope, a mission in which IA is strongly involved. The oscillation amplitudes measured in this study can be converted to amplitudes in photometry, as they will be measured by PLATO, this being a key piece of information to help accurately predict the seismic yield of PLATO, scheduled to be launched in 2026.
impression of an organge dwarf (also known as K dwarf) star. Credit: Tania
Cunha (Planetário do Porto—Centro Ciência Viva)/Instituto de Astrofísica e
Ciências do Espaço)
some initial skepticism that the detection of such oscillations could be beyond
the reach of our current instrumental capabilities, Mário João Monteiro (IA
& DFA-FCUP) explains that "Further to detecting the presence of
solar-like oscillations in ε
Indi, we now hope to use the oscillations to study the complex physics of the
surface layers in K dwarfs. These stars are cooler and more active than our
sun, making them important laboratories to probe key phenomena taking place at
their surface layers that we have not yet studied in detail in other
On why the team used ESPRESSO, Nuno
Cardoso Santos (IA & DFA-FCUP), leader of the "Towards the detection
and characterization of other Earths" research group at IA, said, "An international consortium co-led by IA has developed the ESPRESSO
spectrograph. The main goals of ESPRESSO are to detect and characterize
low-mass planets orbiting other stars and to study the variability of the
physical constants of nature. This result shows the potential of the ESPRESSO
spectrograph to study other state-of-the-art science cases."
Since orange dwarf stars and their planetary systems have very long lifespans, they have recently become a primary focus in the search for habitable worlds and extraterrestrial life.
Stellar radius versus effective temperature diagram, highlighting seismic detections from Kepler and TESS photometry (blue circles) and radial velocity (red diamonds) campaigns. The dashed lines delimit the stars' spectral classes. Credit: Campante et al., 2024
comparing the orange (K dwarf) star ε Indi with the Sun. Credit: Paulo Pereira
(Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço)
result demonstrates that the power of asteroseismology can now potentially be
put to use in the detailed characterization of such stars and their habitable
planets, with truly far-reaching implications. Moreover, the precise
determination of the ages of nearby cool dwarfs made possible by
asteroseismology may be critical in interpreting biosignatures in directly
imaged exoplanets.
"Every time we open a new window
into nature, new surprises drive us into new unexpected discoveries. ε Indi holds the promise of being such a window with a
bright view," comments Mário João Monteiro.
The research is published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.
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