This model blood vessel was made using 3D bioprinting to help investigate
how weightlessness changes the cardiovascular systems of astronauts in orbit.
Microgravity alters the human body in myriad ways, including changes to
blood flow through the body, increased risk of blood clots and even the shape
of the heart, which grows more spherical over time. These bioprinted models
will be used to assess the mechanics of these changes.
“We used a
blend of sodium alginate and gelatine as ‘bio-ink’, with a bath of calcium
chloride to serve as a support for the printed structure,” explains Benedetto
Caracci, biomedical engineering student at the University of Pavia and current trainee at
ESA’s ESTEC technical
centre, leading this ESA-supported study, known as ‘Special’: the impact of
SPacE CondItions on ArteriaL biology using a bioprinted vessel model.
“It is a challenge for the soft biofabricated structure to retain its
desired shape following extrusion, so we applied the FRESH – ‘freeform
reversible embedding of suspended hydrogels’ – 3D bioprinting method, providing
a temporary support that can then be removed after the print process.”
Once these high-resolution blood vessel models are complete they will be
subjected to preliminary examination, including micro-CT scans to check their
external and internal dimensions, porosity, material density distribution, and
roughness; tensile test and dynamic mechanical analysis to test their overall
strength and elasticity; and fluid dynamics testing where a blood-like liquid
will be pumped through them.
Next the
models will be placed in Random Positioning Machines – which continuously
change their orientation relative to the ground, to simulate weightlessness –
in ESA’s Life Support and
Physical Sciences Instrumentation Laboratory to see how their structure
and functioning evolves. They will also be subjected to sustained hypergravity
using the Lab’s Large Diameter
In the future the FRESH 3D bioprinting technique could also be used to test
the effectiveness of drugs and the treatment of vascular diseases both on Earth
and in space.
ESA-SJM Photography
ESA Standard Licence
Source: ESA
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