Sunday, October 12, 2014


One of the most amazing things about being a mammal is our sensitive hearing. Where does it come from? — These three little bones in our middle ear.

But what about sound waves that are well below the frequencies humans can hear?
A wind turbine, a roaring crowd at a football game, a jet engine running full throttle: Each of these things produces sound waves that are well below the frequencies humans can hear. But just because you can’t hear the low-frequency components of these sounds doesn’t mean they have no effect on your ears. Listening to just 90 seconds of low-frequency sound can change the way your inner ear works for minutes after the noise ends, a new study shows.

“Low-frequency sound exposure has long been thought to be innocuous, and this study suggests that it’s not,” says audiology researcher Jeffery Lichtenhan of the Washington University School of Medicine in in St. Louis, who was not involved in the new work.

Source and further reading:

Animation via PBS
YOUR INNER FISH | We Hear With The Bones That Reptiles Eat With | PBS
corina marinescu

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