As the animal started to learn, its neural activity
started to reflect its changes in behavior. At the beginning of learning, the
activity of individual neurons was mostly similar for the two corridors.
However, as the animal's learning progressed, the neural activity representing
the different corridors started to differentiate. At the end of learning, the
activity of these neurons was completely different, with distinct maps encoding
hidden information that enabled the animal to distinguish between the two
choices. Credit: Sun and Winnubst et al.
Our brains
build maps of the environment that help us understand the world around us,
allowing us to think, recall, and plan. These maps not only help us to, say,
find our room on the correct floor of a hotel, but they also help us figure out
if we've gotten off the elevator on the wrong floor.
Neuroscientists know a lot about the activity of
neurons that make up these maps—like which cells fire when we're in a
particular location. But how the brain creates these maps as we learn remains a mystery.
Now, by tracking the activity of thousands of neurons
over days and weeks as an animal learns, researchers at HHMI's Janelia Research
Campus have systematically detailed, step by step, how these cognitive maps
form in the brain's hippocampus—a region responsible for learning and memory.
The study is published in the journal Nature.
The team, led by the Spruston Lab, found that as an
animal learns to collect rewards from two subtly different linear tracks—like
the different floors of a hotel—neurons in the hippocampus start to respond in
disparate ways. Eventually, the brain produces entirely distinct
representations of these visually similar tracks that include information
enabling the animal to differentiate between the two options.
The researchers also identified the type of mathematical model that best reproduces this learning process, shedding light on computations the brain might be using to create these mental maps and providing insight into memory and intelligence.
The researchers studied a mouse as it learned how
to navigate two different virtual corridors: one with a reward at a near
location, and one with a reward at a far location. Mice learned to collect
water rewards at either near or far reward zones in two VR corridors based on
distinct indicator cues (stripes or dots) at the beginning of the corridor.
Expert mice, shown here, only licked at the correct reward zones to trigger a
water reward. Credit: Sun and Winnubst et al.
"We are mapping out the step-by-step process of cognitive map
formation, which is such an important concept," says Weinan Sun, an
assistant professor at Cornell University who co-led the research as a research
scientist in the Spruston Lab.
"But there is also a second contribution: The result of watching that
process gives us a hint about the underlying computations and we get a little
bit closer to understanding what the brain is doing in making these maps."
Understanding how the brain implements these computations could help
researchers develop better treatments for memory disorders like Alzheimer's and
create artificial intelligence systems that reason more like biological brains.
"Neuroscience and AI can learn a lot from each other," says Johan
Winnubst, lead scientist of neuroanatomy at E11 Bio, who co-led the research as
a research scientist in the Spruston Lab.
"What large language models are able to do is very impressive, but they also fail in a lot of very obvious ways and some of that has to do with reasoning and long-term planning. So maybe you introduce some of the lessons that we have learned from the hippocampus to these models."
The researchers tracked the activity of thousands
of neurons over days and weeks as the animal learned, allowing the team to
systematically detail how cognitive maps form in the brain's hippocampus. This
movie shows neural activity with an increasing number of cells plotted. Credit:
Sun and Winnubst et al.
Observing map formation
To see how these cognitive maps form, the researchers used a
Janelia-designed, high-resolution microscope with a large field of view to
image neural activity in
thousands of neurons in the hippocampus of a mouse learning how to navigate two
different virtual corridors: one with a reward at a near location, and one with
a reward at a far location.
Near the beginning of each corridor, the mouse is given a visual cue to
indicate where in the corridor it can expect to find a water reward, at either
the near or far location. The mouse must figure out the relationship between
the indicator cue and where the reward is going to be delivered.
The researchers saw that all the animals learned how to navigate the
corridors in the same specific sequence. First, they learned to suppress their
licking where they knew they wouldn't be rewarded. Then, they learned they were
only getting one reward per corridor. Lastly, they learned to suppress their
licking at the near reward location in the corridor where the reward was at the
far location.
As the animal started to learn, its neural activity started to reflect its
changes in behavior. At the beginning of learning, the activity of individual
neurons was mostly similar for the two corridors, forming a linear track with
only slight differences representing the different cues and reward locations.
However, as the animal's learning progressed, the neural activity representing the different corridors started to differentiate further.
To see how cognitive maps form in the brain,
researchers used a Janelia-designed, high-resolution microscope with a large
field of view to image neural activity in thousands of neurons in the
hippocampus of a mouse as it learned. Credit: Sun and Winnubst et al.
While the near and far reward locations were always represented differently
from each other, now these reward locations were treated differently depending
on which corridor the mouse was in. The near location in the near corridor was
represented differently than the near location in the far corridor, even though
they were visually identical.
At the end of learning, the activity of these neurons was completely
different, with distinct maps encoding hidden information that enabled the
animal to distinguish between the two corridors. The researchers found that
there are specific cells—they call them "state cells"—that extract
hidden information from the environment to enable this differentiation.
In the hotel analogy, initially the brain might represent all the floors
similarly. But after a few days, we learn the differences between the floors.
Our brains generate different maps for the different floors, each containing
hidden or contextual information—like what number was displayed inside the
elevator but is no longer visible when we get out—that allows us to distinguish
between them.
For animals in the real world, this process helps to distinguish similar
but different areas in a forest or field.
"Initially, the brain activity is very
similar, and with learning, the activity becomes more and more different until
they are orthogonal. And then, in the end, each neural pattern of activity will
encode a hidden state that will reflect the true hidden state of the
task," Sun says. "The brain cares about the immediate sensory input
but interprets it in the context of the hidden state the animal is in."
Finally, the researchers looked at what computations might be happening in
the brain to enable the map formation they observed.
The team discovered that the brain builds these maps like a state machine—a
system that figures out true situations by inferring hidden states beyond what
is immediately visible. Among various computational models tested, only one
type—called a Clone-Structured Causal Graph—could accurately reproduce this
learning process.
The researchers, who also created an online visualization tool so
scientists around the world can explore the data, say that being able to
connect these pieces—from behavior to individual cells to groups of neurons to
algorithms—is a critical step toward truly understanding how the brain and
intelligence works.
"One of the ultimate goals of neuroscience is: if we observe a
behavior or cognitive function, we want to understand that behavior or
cognitive function in terms of not only the cellular and molecular processes
responsible for it, but also the algorithmic representation the brain
uses," says Janelia Executive Director Nelson Spruston, the senior author
on the new research.
"We are getting at the algorithmic level—arguably the hardest to pin down—which helps us connect the dots of how the cellular and molecular processes actually operate to produce an algorithm in the brain that can form this computation that we observe in the form of behavior."
by Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Source: From corridors to cognition: How the brain builds mental maps of the world
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